Amazing Heroes Podcast: Blackthorne Publishing's Timeline Color Comics

Episode #5

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What if the rollout of a proposed small press full color super-heroic shared universe came out more like an Agatha Christie murder mystery? It's Ten Little Launch Titles, with a host of announced established talents across 1987-- but how many of the names will show up, which titles will actually see release, in what format, and when exactly? Diabolu Frank is on the case, and his suspects include Neal Adams, David Ammerman, Arnel Avetria, Dell Barras, Dante Barreno, Mark Beachum, Norm Breyfogle, Frank Cirocco, Sam de la Rosa, Tony DeZuniga, Jan Duursema, Dennis Francis, Dante Fuget, Mike Gustovich, Mark Wayne Harris, Phil Haxo, Doug Hazlewood, Rich Hedden, Jack Herman, Bob Ingersoll, Peter Iro, Bruce Jones, Michael William Kaluta, Joe Kubert, Victor Laszlo, Tom Mandrake, Lee Marrs, Cliff MacGillivray, Tom McWeeney, Chris Miller, Adrian Moro, Kevin Nowlan, Steve Perry, Jim Reddington, Rico Rival, P. Craig Russell, Dan Schaeffer, Greg & Terry Shoemaker, Jim Starlin, John Stephenson, Greg Swan, Danny Taver, Dan Tolentino, Albert Val, Bob Versandi, Charles Vess, B. J. Weiss, Louis Williams, & Nollie Zamora. Can you figure out the truth before we relay it?

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