Amazing Heroes Podcast: ANIA (The Association of Black Comicbook Publishers)
Episode #1
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Frank begins a new(ish) solo(ish) podcast that's basically DC Bloodlines but with non-DC/Marvel/Image super-heroes. First up is the African-American collective Ania (Ah-Knee-Ah, despite repeated mispronunciations on the episode,) the Milestone Media of the indie comics scene (but they would not appreciate that description!)
Copious archival interview material spotlights Omega 7 Comics' Alonzo Washington & Tony Jappa on Original Man, Omega Man, Darkforce & The Mighty Ace; Africa Rising's Eric Griffin on Ebony Warrior; Dark Zulu Lies Comics' Nabile Hage on Zwanna, Son of Zulu; and U.P. Comics' Roosevelt Pitt Jr. on Purge; plus Afrocentric Comic Books' Heru, Son of Ausar by Roger Barnes.
This is an excellent review.