The Under Guides Vol. II: Bedlam before the Swords of Cerebus

Mister Joe Fixit and Diabolu Frank (with about fifteen seconds worth of Mac in various cameos) return to pimp four color fixes set off from the roads most traveled. This episode begins with a look primarily at the Image Comics series Bedlam with numerous Nick Spencer-related tangents such as Morning Glories and Superior Foes of Spider-Man beginning at the one minute mark. Brian Apodaca of the small press comic Zombie Outlaw drops by for a very brief plug thirteen minutes in. Then the boys go on an ADHD comics overview rapidly referencing comics from Vertigo, Image, Valiant, Marvel, Dynamite, Avatar, Epic, Dark Horse & Wildstorm, under such writers as Warren Ellis, Brian Michael Bendis, Garth Ennis, Alan Moore, Mark Millar, Pat Mills, Jim Shooter, David Lapham & Si Spurrier. From ten seconds 'til 23 minutes, we begin our coverage of the earliest issues of Dave Sim's watershed independent comic epic Cerebus, part of a planned ongoing examination of the single longest lasting creator owned series in the history of North American comics. 32:14 brings our readin' & respondin' to y'r writin' on 'r prior podcastin'.
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